Women Golfers United by Kindness, Support & Mutual Respect
Our Mission Statement:
The objective of this club is to promote good fellowship among its members and to foster the game of golf for women who prefer to play a 9-hole game. LOP Lady Niners’ regular play day at Lake of the Pines is Tuesday, and General Membership meetings are conducted the second Tuesday of each month in the Sports Lounge following play. When the course is closed, the meeting is held at 10 am on the second Tuesday of each month.
We are mentoring club. We are not a teaching club.
The club includes regular and social members.
Members should be at least 18 years of age, associate members
or residents of LOP in good standing with the Association, and
non- LOP members may join up to a maximum of 25% of the
total membership. Members are subject to all dues, may
participate in all club events, may vote and hold office. Members
are expected to actively support and participate in Club activities,
fundraising, tournaments, committees and Chair positions.
Individual members may belong to any organized 9 – 18 hole
dues paying golf club or group, however any member(s) holding a
dual membership must declare their home club.
Social members, all members 18 years of age or older who are
members or residents of Lake of the Pines and wish to take part
in social activities but do not wish to participate in any golfing
activity or belong to any other golfing group. Social members
may not hold office on Executive Board

Because we are a Mentoring Club, new members will be assigned a Sponsor.
The role of the Sponsor is to familiarize the new member with all things
related to being a Lady Niner and help them with Tuesday Sweeps. They will
also help familiarize the new member with our golf course. New members
will not be taught how to play golf. They must already have a basic
ability, be able to keep pace of play and know club choices.
If you feel ready to join:
Submit the following in the Lady Niner Box in the Pro Shop:
• LOP Lady Niner dues
• Women’s Nine Hole Golf Association (WNHGA) dues
• Golf Handicap Index (GHIN) fees (payable to LOP Lady Niners.)
A GHIN number and temporary index will be assigned to the applicant for
Tuesday play.
A 9-hole handicap is established by collecting 6 dated and attested
scorecards from the LOP course within a 12 month period. Scorecards should
indicate whether each round was played from the red, green or gold tees.
These scorecards should list a second player’s score and signature. The
scores of prospective Niners will not be entered in the tournament of the day
until the handicap is established.