Women Golfers United by Kindness, Support & Mutual Respect
LOP Lady Niners Kari Armstrong Award
The Lady Niners Golf Club has instituted “The Kari Armstrong Mentoring Spirit Award” as a result of a donation from Trish Miller, Kari’s Mother, who expressed her desire to do something special for our Club and to help memorialize Kari.
The purpose of the award, as expressed by Trish Miller, is to recognize the benefit Kari enjoyed from the formal Lady Niner sponsorship program in place, as well as to motivate others to be informal mentors as Kari was to many of her fellow members.
Nominees can be known for offering themselves as supportive encouragers or demonstrating positive behaviors on and off the course. The Niner Club Co- Captain will be assigned to oversee this award and guidelines will be included in the Co-Captains binder. Nomination forms would include written specific reasons for the nomination and be signed by the person making the nomination.
Nominations would be submitted throughout the year, with a quarterly reminder from the Co-Captain at the General Meeting. The Co-Captain would collect the nominations for review and decision by the Executive Board annually and the award would be presented at the annual meeting. The presentation would include a statement summarizing the reasons for the award which might be derived from a private interview or written nominations.
The choice of award winner is at the discretion of the Executive Board and should not necessarily be given each year. The winners of the award will have their name engraved on the Award Plaque on display in the trophy case.